The Phi Beta Kappa Society
The Phi Beta Kappa Society (PBK) was founded on December 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary; it is now the oldest and most distinguished honors society in the United States. Since its founding in 1776, PBK has pursued its mission of fostering and recognizing excellence in the liberal arts and sciences for undergraduate students. Each year, about one in one hundred college juniors or seniors, nationwide, is invited to join Phi Beta Kappa. Members are inducted at their college or university chapters, and membership is life long. After graduating, members can also join Phi Beta Kappa alumni associations in their communities.
The Society’s distinctive emblem, a golden key, is widely recognized as a symbol of supreme academic achievement.
Each year, PBK elects over 15,000 new members from 293 chapters across the United States. PBK also has over 50 local associations through the country, which support its ideals through academic, social, and community-based programs.
For more information, visit the national Phi Beta Kappa Society website!

The DC Area Phi Beta Kappa Association (DCPBK)
Founded in 1913 as a nonprofit alumni association under the auspices of PBK, DCPBK is one of the oldest associations in the country, with over 110 years of history and tradition. We are run by a board of volunteers that is deeply committed both to honoring our past and innovating for the future. The board meets at least four times per year, and additionally as requested by the president (currently over Zoom on the first Sunday of each quarter for two hours per session). To learn more about our governance infrastructure, see our Constitution and By-Laws. For more on our history of over 110 years, check out our about page!

PBK District 5 (South Atlantic)
The Phi Beta Kappa Society’s 293 chapters and more than 50 associations are grouped into geographic districts, making up its legislative body, the Triennial Council, which confers every 3 years. At the Triennial Council Meetings, district senators are nominated and elected to promote PBK’s goals in each district.
The DC Area Phi Beta Kappa Association (DCPBK) belongs to the PBK South Atlantic District, which includes chapters and associations in D.C., Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The history of establishing Districts goes way back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1922, the PBK Triennial Council adopted a bylaw dividing the United States into five Districts, each being represented by a District Senator. The idea behind the establishment of five Districts, each one with an elected District Senator, was to create a fairer chartering system for colleges and universities across the United States because in the early 20th century, the majority of Phi Beta Kappa chapters was only to be found along the East Coast of the US. This was the beginning of the election of District Senators, who – regardless of the numbers of chapters in their region further West – had an equal voice with their East Coast colleagues in voting on Phi Beta Kappa matters.
However, as Oscar M. Voorhees, Secretary of Phi Beta Kappa and historian, wrote in The History of Phi Beta Kappa, published in 1945: “The effort to integrate the increasing number of Phi Beta Kappa chapters by grouping them in districts had succeeded only partially, as District meetings could be held only in connection with meetings of the Council.” The original five were later increased to seven. Richard Nelson Current, also a historian, gives us an illuminating history of the creation of the Districts in his 1990 book Phi Beta Kappa in American Life.
Some districts have succeeded more than others in achieving optimal communication to best serve Phi Beta Kappa. Others, including ours, suffer from the far flung geographical separation of chapters and associations, making it difficult, if not almost impossible, to work closely together. Nevertheless, the South Atlantic District, which stretches from Washington, D.C. all the way down to Florida, is doing its best to overcome these challenges.
Triennial Council Meetings
The Triennial Council is Phi Beta Kappa’s legislative body, which convenes every three years at Triennial Council Meetings at varying locations to conduct PBK business, beginning in 1883. Executives, senators, and representatives from the PBK’s chapters and associations throughout the country come together at these meetings to charter new chapters, elect new leadership for the following triennium, discuss and vote on policies affecting the Society as a whole.
The 47th Triennial Council Meeting took place in Baltimore, Maryland from August 1-4, 2024. Attendees included President, Niku Neshati, Mentorship Network Chair, Christina Hughes, and Past President, Liz Marshall Anderson. Liz was elected both to continue her role as President of the Council on Association Delegates (COAD), and as a senator at large in PBK’s Triennial Council!

The 46th Triennial Council Meeting took place virtually from August 3-6, 2021. Delegates in attendance on behalf of DCPBK were then-President Rebecca DeSantis-Randall, Past President, Liz Marshall Anderson, and Past President, Christel G. McDonald.
The 45th Triennial Council Meeting took place in Boston, Massachusetts from August 2-5, 2018. Delegates in attendance on behalf of DCPBK were then-President, Nina Kuo, and Past Past, Liz Marshall Anderson. Best practices were exchanged in breakout sessions, and Nina had the chance to speak about the successes of our mentorship program and Young Professionals network. Delegates also voted to establish chapters at Chapman University, Loyola Marymount University, Mississippi State University, and The University of South Florida. The DC Area Phi Beta Kappa Association’s efforts were also honored with our 2nd Outstanding Association Award in less than 10 years!